Ya'at'eeh! This week has been crazy good! Last Monday we were able to meet with a friend of a recent convert who is baptized but inactive. Him and his girlfriend were very receptive to the message and now they are reading the Book of Mormon! The recent convert is the one that got the priesthood a few weeks ago and he is doing really well. On Tuesday, we ended up finding a huge new family and all 7 of them want us to come back tomorrow! All of them basically gave their testimonies about God and what he has done for them and it was great to see and feel the spirit working on the lesson. Super prepared family and it is definitely inspiration that we found them. On Wednesday we had appointment central. We saw so many people it was crazy how we were able to do so much in one day. It was a blessing to be able to do so much to help build up Many Farms. Thursday, we went on exchanges so I stayed here with Elder Rushton our district leader, and Elder Sorensen went to Lucachukai with Elder Monumoleuna the Polynesian from HawaiiJ. We had 6 appointments fall through but we were still able to see three families so everything worked out. During our District meeting that morning we were told about a new teaching tactic that President Batt is implementing all across the Mission. President had a full on, no joke, spiritual vision where everyone in the New Mexico Farmington Mission was reading the Book of Mormon. So from this day forward we are going to get cases of Book of Mormons to hand out to everyone who will read it. President wants to flood this area with the Book that has been written specifically to the Laminates. Soooo… We are fulfilling the prophesy found all over in the book of Mormon when it says that the Nephites will cry from the dust and reach out to their brethren the Laminates, pleading for them to come unto Christ in the last days. This is a landmark for the work. The Lord is really starting to hasten the work here on the Reservation! Gives me the spirit chills just thinking about the fact that I am here at such a crucial time in God’s plan for his chosen people! Friday we were able to start implementing the Book of Mormon into every teaching opportunity. People’s reaction change when you tell them that you have a book that is written specifically to them that will change their life! On, Saturday we had a lesson with a less active family about the Book of Mormon and gave them a much needed introduction to the purpose of its message. Before this point they had no idea why they needed to read the book of Mormon or what was in it. After the lesson they were excited and wanted to share it with everyone. Their reaction was “Why have we never heard this? No one told us why we needed to read.” After that lesson I am fully sure that this is inspired and the right way to go about sharing the message of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of his church. So much power comes from the Book of Mormon that it is undeniable how true it really is. I have high hopes for this new missionary approach. On Sunday we were able to listen to a member from the high counsel and his wife. They both talked about hastening the work in Many Farms and it got me pumped up! Things are about to take off and go crazy here and it is going to be amazing! Pretty soon everyone is going to hear the message of the restoration and read the Book of Mormon! Well got to go..Thank you for everything and I love you guys! Peace out!
We got stuck in the mud 2 Saturdays ago
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