Hey Mom! This week has been really spiritual for us. We had two
people tell us that they were praying and then we showed up at their home. Both
of them were convinced that we answered their prayers and we have a return
appointment this week with one of them and we invited the other person to Church
and mutual. Then we had an Investigator who we have only had one lesson with
text us and ask if her and her son could come to Church. The Lord is blessing
this area like you wouldn't believe right now and I am super grateful to be a
part of it and see all of this great work. Elder Nicholson and I cant believe
how many prepared people are being placed in our path every day. Okay, so this
last Monday we didn't do anything note worthy because we cleaned. On Tuesday we
had five really good lessons with the five people we have been wanting to meet
with for a while. They all are doing really good and two of them are
investigators (We set a baptismal date with one of them and the other has been
on date for two weeks now) Both of them want to be baptized in February and it
is awesome to see them progress in the Gospel. On Wednesday we went on exchanges
but it was easy because we only switched with the other two elders in our
trailer haha. It was a good day and Elder Cook and I were able to see three
people and have a lesson. On Thursday we had District meeting and then went and
chopped wood for two people. We didn't end up teaching anyone until later in the
evening but it was still fun. That night we took the 17 year old out who wants
to go on a mission and he had a good time. We saw two less actives and the kid
who came with us did a really good job at bearing his testimony on church
attendance. Friday, we had a good day and then finished it off with Basketball
night at the church. Three new people showed up and we were able to find out
were they lived and set up a time to stop by. The people here are more willing
to listen to what you have to say if you can play basketball with them. I guess
that's really how it is anywhere you go but Basketball is super popular on the
Reservation. Saturday we had a much needed lesson with an active member family.
They have been down in the dumps and have been going through allot lately so we
payed them a visit. We shared the message we felt would help the most but the
spirit did the talking. We had the Dad give a blessing of comfort to his family
and that helped more than anything. The spirit filled their home stronger than I
have ever felt it before and we all sat and cried for a few minutes because we
didn't know what to say. They thanked us and we left. On Sunday They all came to
church and the first thing Elder Nicholson said was "They look Happy again!" You
could tell that something had changed and they had that light again. We have
seen more and more less actives coming to church and it is great to see this
ward grow. The members of the church out here blossom as the rose when they
embrace the gospel. We are running low on miles for this month so we didn't go
very far this week but we still did what we needed to. Our Truck is 10,000 miles
over what it is suppose to be at so the vehicle coordinator of the mission is
trying to trade out our Chevy Colorado for a new Nissan Frontier pick up this
week. I will send you a picture of the new truck when we get it! :) Elder
Nicholson and I were going through my music the other day and we really like the
song "I can only imagine" by Mercy Me. We play it over and over and sing along
like a couple of weird-o's, so we were hoping you could look up the band and see
if they have any other good music. We like the almost country feel in the
singers voice, matches the area where we live ;) Well, that's all I got for you
today so I will have to talk to you next Monday. Love ya! Have a great
Friday, January 31, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
Ya'at'eeh!! This week was supper cool! We saw so many people this week
and got more done than we usually do. Our lessons are going up and more people
are coming to church. Last Monday after emailing we went hiking with the other
two missionaries and had some fun. We found a bunch of old tires at the bottom
of the mesa so we threw them in our truck and rolled them down the mesa again.
That's everyone's favorite past-time around here so there is a decent sized pile
of tires at the bottom of the mesa for us to chose from. It was funny watching
the tires bounce down the mesa and catch air. Elder Nicholson won with the
longest distance. His rolled twice as far as any of ours. We have some good
pictures of that and some cool pictures of our hike. On Tuesday we taught the
girl with a baptismal date and had a good lesson with her. We are able to have
the lessons at a members home and it really helps. We also had a really cool
lesson with a less active member and it was a very powerful lesson. Her and
another less active member ended up coming to church yesterday so it was super
cool! On Wednesday, I went to Lukachukie and stayed with an elder there for the
day. Because, Elder Nicholson is the District Leader he has to meet with all the
elders in the district and do exchanges for a day. It was fun and it was cool to
see the stuff that has worked in other elders areas. On Thursday, we went to
Rough Rock and got to chop wood for the mountain man that we teach. He was
baptized a year ago but he doesn't have a ride to church every week. There aren't
many members with cars out there who can take him so we are still working on it.
Thursday was an overall happy day and it was good to be back in Many Farms. On
Friday, we saw a lot of people and was able to teach a few lessons in Valley
Store. We started Basketball nights on Friday nights at the church and it has
been a big success! The people here love Basketball and every Friday more and
more people show up. It is a great finding tool and we are able to show people
how LDS people know how to have fun too. Three new investigators have come from
it and it is great to see how people will listen to what you have to say when
you can play ball with them. Friday and Sunday were great teaching days. The 17
year old in the ward who wants to go on a mission came out with us all day
Saturday and Sunday. We told him he can take a break anytime he wants but he
refuses and keeps asking to go out teaching with us. He is a really good kid and
it is fun to have him with us. Well, I ran out of computer time so that will
have to be it for this week. Talk to you next Monday, Love ya!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Be excellent to each other!
This week
has been the best/least productive week so far on my mission haha. Last Monday
the six of us elders in our district went on a hike to the top of a mesa in
Lukachuki. It was so cool because you could see Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and
Many Farms from the top. But... I forgot to take my camera :P I will have to steal
some pictures from the new elder in Many Farms. His name is Elder Cook and he
got some good pictures of the hike. On Tuesday we had and awesome day for
teaching. We have so many people who are doing so good in the gospel I cant
help but feel exited! It's great to see Heavenly Father and his love for these
people and to see the blessings that come from Praying, Reading the Scriptures,
and Coming to Church. The members of the Church here have truly blossomed as
the rose like it says in D&C. On Wednesday, Elder Nicholson and I got sick
and stayed inside all day. We watched the hour long Joseph Smith Restoration
movie and it was awesome! I don't think I have seen that all the way through
before. We used the time that we had to think more about our area and I had a
chance to learn more Navajo. I can almost make sentences but my pronunciation
of the words are not the best. On Thursday we packed up some things and drove
to Window Rock, New Mexico, for Zone Conference. All day Friday was spent at
Zone Conference and it was really good. President Batt talked about the
Atonement and it was cool because afterwords we did a question and answer with
him and he gave some really profound answers. I like President Batt. We had
interviews about 6 weeks ago and I told him about Jared missing me while I am
on my mission and he prayed for Jared! He told me that he prays all the time
for our families :) Zone conference is like a big spiritual motivation boost
and after I just want to go out and do God's Work. On Saturday we had a funeral
for a relative of a family in the ward. It was done here at the Many Farms
building and it was super sad. After we went to the Chinle cemetery to lay the
body to rest. They didn't have anyone to be the pal-bearers so they asked us
missionaries to do it. We lowered the the casket into the ground and buried it.
Never want to have to do that again, not a fun experience. Yesterday was the
first day in 4 days that we were able to go out and teach. It was so fun! We
took out a 17 year old kid in our ward all day. He wants to go on a mission
when he turns 18 so it was good for him to see what being a missionary is all
about. He loved it and wants to go out with us more often! So, there's my week.
It was different, but I wouldn't give it up for anything. I think I have grown
more this week than I have in the past two weeks combined! Well, I sure Love
you guys! Keep up the family bonding stuff and don't forget to Choose the
Right! Be excellent to each other! haha Talk to you guys next Monday
Monday, January 6, 2014
Ya'at'eeh! .....I didn't tell you
last week but transfer news came last Saturday and both Elder Nicholson and I
are staying in Many Farms another transfer. That means that elder Nicholson will
be here in his first area still for at least 9 months and we will have been
companions for 6 months. The running joke is that I will leave Many Farms before
he does and he will stay his whole mission. Last week we went way out in the
middle of no where and he still knew all the houses we drove past. We actually
ended up getting lost out by Many Farms Lake last Tuesday and drove around for
30 minutes or so looking for a main road and the way that we were able to find
our way back was by houses that were familiar. We have focused our efforts on
finding new people lately and it has really started to take affect. We have met
some really cool families and have started teaching allot of them. Seems like
there are plenty of people who are ready to accept the gospel and all we have to
do is find them. Yesterday the convert we have been teaching got the gift of the
Holy Ghost and it was awesome to see how happy he was. You can almost see it in
people's face when they have the spirit with them. So a member in our ward
showed us a video that the missionaries showed her family back when she was
baptized and it was almost exactly how it is on the reservation. The video is
called "Bitter Winds" and it was made by BYU and the church back in the day to
show what drinking is like on the reservation. She gave us all a copy and I
might send mine home so you can watch it. It was filmed in Chinle which is 20
minutes from many farms! Well I'm almost out of time so I better send my picture
for the week. Talk to you next week, Love ya!
I gained 80lb this week!!
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